Alps Target Grade:
This is the minimum grade a student should achieve at the end of the A Level or BTEC course. This is based upon each student’s GCSE outcomes at the end of Year 11, benchmarked against national A Level data,  generated by Alps (Advanced Level Performance System). Alps are a third party organisation who use and analyse level 3 national statistics, generating appropriate targets for level 3 qualifications.

Mock Exam Grade:
The level of attainment that a student achieved in their most recent mock examination. This is represented as an A Level or BTEC fine grade.

For example:

Fine Grade A Level Fine Grade BTEC  Descriptor
B+ M+ Almost working at the grade above
B M Secure at this grade
B- M- Insecure at this grade


Current ‘working at’ Grade:
A holistic measure considering all work produced and submitted, including classwork, homework and all assessments. This is also represented as an A Level/BTEC fine grade. In most cases this will be higher than the ‘Mock Exam Grade’, as students are still developing their exam technique and effective revision skills throughout their courses.

Projected Grade:
This is the grade that a student is currently expected to achieve at the end of the course. It is based on teachers’ professional judgement and students current level of attainment and their attitude to learning.

All Key Stages

Other factors:
In addition to a student’s attainment, the following areas use the scale of Excellent, Good, Satisfactory & Unsatisfactory to measure:

Attitude to Learning This looks at a student’s work ethic, approach and engagement in their learning.
Behaviour This looks at how well a student is conducting themself.
Homework completion and quality This considers all of the work that has been submitted, the standard that is being produced and wider reading.
Personal Organisation This is a judgement on how well prepared a student is for learning, the smartness of their uniform/appearance, having the correct equipment and their punctuality to lessons.
Attendance Percentage of student’s authorised attendance.
Positive Behaviour Points The number of positive points awarded by staff and where they are against the year group average.
Negative Behaviour Points The number of negative points awarded by staff and where they are against the eyar group average.


Where next

Year 9 Options

The options process is designed to help Year 9 students make the right decisions to help them aspire and achieve. We work hard to ensure…

Year 9 Options

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