On behalf of Miss Prentice and her wonderful Eco Club students, may we say a huge thank you to all of those students who helped out during the litter picking House Competition that ran last week during lunch times. There was definitely a noticeable difference in the general cleanliness of the playground and school building.
The results are now in:

Tutor Prize
A special well done goes to all those in 7JSH who were the tutor group who picked up the most litter throughout the week. All members of 7JSH have won 10 House Points and a tutor prize for Friday DEAR. 9MPT came a close second and win 5 House Points each.
Individual Prize
Congratulations to Year 7 student Logan (7PSD) who picked up more litter overall than any other student. Logan has won 15 House Points and 2 free Cineworld vouchers which he is very excited about.
A massive thank you goes to all Eco Club students that proposed, organised and ran this competition very smoothly. You can be very proud of the difference you have made to our Academy. 10 House points each!