On Thursday 25 January, Year 13 Chemistry students entered the RSC’s Chemistry Olympiad.  Students completed a challenging 82-mark exam in a two-hour session.  The questions are written by top academics from universities around the country and are designed to stretch the understanding and application skills of all the students that sit them. The papers were then marked and scores uploaded as we awaited the final results.  Those results were finally returned on 28 March and I am delighted to announce that Owen W and Arnav S both received a silver certificate.  This placed them both into the top third of the near 15,000 entrants from around the UK and beyond.  This is a fantastic achievement by both students and demonstrates the ability and understanding Magna students possess as well as demonstrating the excellent teaching that takes place in A-level Chemistry at Magna.,

Owen has accepted a place to study medicine at Southampton University and Arnav hopes to study engineering.

Mr Barrett

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