
Through Travel and Tourism, our vision is to deliver a broad and enriching curriculum to give students a greater understanding of the industry and prepare them for potential future employment within that industry. They will develop a wide range of skills, intrinsically linked to other areas of the academy curriculum and have opportunities to apply this knowledge to travel and tourism scenarios throughout the course. 


The Travel and Tourism department’s intent is to create a recognised community of learning, knowledge creation and practice to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities within the local and global tourism industry of the 21st century. The curriculum is anchored by the values of intellectual excellence, innovation and relevance, but equally looks forward and embraces the expectations and aspirations of contemporary society to allow all students an equal chance to succeed in this world.


Throughout their studies, students will investigate the world of travel and tourism both locally and globally using a variety of real case studies linked to the concepts they will be studying during lessons. Topics will include looking at the travel and tourism organisations and destinations, customer needs and global influences on specific travel trends. The course will be taught using booklets, knowledge organisers and textbooks. Lessons will be adapted so that all students can always fully access the Travel and Tourism curriculum.

As often as possible, external speakers will be encouraged to visit lessons to share their experience of the types of work and day to day encounters that they have chosen to set up or work in. This is so that students can see the bigger picture and how tourism is crucial to the local economy. Regular retrieval practice will be embedded in lessons to ensure that any knowledge has been retained by all students. We will also take students on a trip to the tourist capital of England, London, to look at a range of different tourist attractions and apply their learning in the real world. 

Many different skills will be taught throughout the course such as research, independent working, teamwork activities and exam based practice. These skills will include how to understand the travel and tourism industry further and prepare them for potential employment in the sector. 

All of the courses follow a logical sequence of lessons to enable students to see the key components of the Travel and Tourism industry. It is essential that students are fully aware how Travel and Tourism fits into the wider curriculum and relates to their Future choices. At every opportunity they will be made aware of the choices available in the future for their careers and of the vast variety of jobs available both locally and globally and the many alternatives to becoming the person that they want to be.

BTEC Travel and Tourism at Level 1 and 2 is assessed using a variety of examinations and practical coursework. Exams can be taken in January and May for BTEC and pre-released topics for coursework will be issued in October and March for the internal assessments and Component 1 will be sat in Year 10 and Component 2 at the beginning of Year 11. The Component 3 exam will be sat in Year 11.

Travel and Tourism curriculum overview

Travel and Tourism Age Related Expectations

Travel and Tourism Assessment Journey 


The proposed impact of studying Travel and Tourism is that any student who takes these courses can be successful in the business world. They will learn skills including how to interact with people of all ages and backgrounds and know the importance of how to conduct themselves in the different scenarios that they could encounter in the future. This curriculum works in parallel with Magna Academy’s skills builder programme, to help students build essential skills such as leadership, teamwork and speaking as well as listening.

Students will learn to be confident and resilient so that they can make a positive contribution to the community where they choose to be when they leave the academy.

The knowledge students gain will help them to move onto whichever path they choose, be it at university, in an apprenticeship or job helping them towards a successful and exciting future.


Where next

Year 9 Options

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Year 9 Options

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